
Showing posts from February, 2018

Post #2

There are a few ways to create a new drawing. One is by simply typing in the address bar. This is automatically open up a new untitled drawing. Another is by using Google Drive. By either clicking the new button at the top left corner or by right clicking on any empty space in your drive, this menu will appear. Just simply hoover over more then click on Google Drawings and a new drawing will be created. To really save your drawing and have it go to your drive, you must name it by clicking untitled document at the top right corner and giving it a name.
Allows the user to create a wide variety of things. It is a simple and easy way to add color, diagrams, charts, and other drawings. These drawings are compatible with other Google programs like Slides, Docs, and Sheets, so you can put them in whatever form of document you are working on. It also has similar tools that other Google programs have such as commenting, sharing, and revision history. While it is not available on mobile devices, it is free to use in your chrome browser.